iMARUSSIA! communication agency team organized a New Year ball for ELVEES NeoTek employees.
As part of the project the concept of Stars Observation was created, which is directly associated with the company's core business – design and manufacturing of surveillance systems.
Moskva restaurant located within several-minute ride from the central office in Zelenograd was chosen as the event’s venue.
One of the venue’s advantages was availability of the second floor with an open area that allowed favorable tabling for guests so that each employee could see what was going on.
The General Director's ceremonial entry and speech are an important part of any event.
Improvised “star shower” represented by the Cello Project was responsible for the music at the event, and a young ensemble immediately caught the audience’s interest with its good vibe and virtuoso violoncello technique.
Traditionally photo studio is one of the most popular areas at any event, and this one was not an exception – people who wanted to have a picture taken were queuing in the photo area.
Illuminated performances of extreme-ballet that were accompanied by neon effects were no less glowing and unintentionally associated with stars and cosmic space, its illimitable space and distant galaxies.